10- Hour Deep Immersion Workshop on Expressive Art Therapy

10- Hour Deep Immersion Workshop on Expressive Art Therapy

Expressive art therapy offers a safe container to support our emotional, psychological and mental health & well-being. This pre-verbal way of making sense of our lived experience is as old as humankind. In this approach, we use our natural ways of knowing like making, moving, sounding, imagining, writing and playing.

The underlying belief in this framework is that all of us have within us the wisdom and healing potential waiting to be awakened by integrating mind, body, heart and spirit through creativity, expression and imagination. The integrative approaches are useful for all mental health & well-being contexts sought to resolve, process and hold whatever needs our attention.

The upcoming 10 Hours Workshop is a yearly offering that invites us to consider new ways of relating to ourselves and each other. During our time together we will tap into the imagination, motor impulses, feelings, and meaning making processes in great depth. We will learn that growth & change is possible through self-discovery, creative expression, witnessing and trusting the process. During the program we will explore our inner world leveraging these art modalities to facilitate growth and healing.

The program will help us to befriend creativity and encounter the barriers that come in the way of our authenticity.

When & Where?

Date: 26th January to 28th January 2024

Time: 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM

Platform: Zoom

In case of any queries and concerns kindly connect with us +919405712845 (Vineet) and +918447662452 (Shalu).