A conscious world where everyone thrives through Healing


Living Consciouslyy aims to bring healing into the lives of everyone. We are working with the mission to create a conscious community and aim to spearhead a healing movement to help humanity thrive and live a healthy, fulfilling life. Our purpose through our different programmes is to share the knowledge and equip people with relevant tools to access their human potential and spiritual self.


6 Values that embody our commitments:

  • Human Dignity and Compassion: We believe that every individual is a part of the greater whole, and each deserves to be looked at and treated with compassion and love. We strive to look at people beyond the labels, and the human that they are.
  • Truth: We show up courageously and compassionately for conversations to evolve ourselves, our organization, and society in general
  • Love: We treat everyone including our team members, our community members with care and deep unconditional positive regard, uplifting their dignity, and appreciating their gifts.
  • Excellence: We aim for best in everything we deliver, and embrace our failures as opportunities for learning and growth. Success and failure are merely labels that we attach all too easily to people, our actions, and to our work. We take everything as an opportunity to learn, to reflect, and to grow.
  •  Sacred Reciprocity: Heartfelt exchange, gratitude, and acknowledgment for everyone and everything that sustains us. We practice sacred reciprocity in sharing resources with stakeholders.
  • Spiritual Integrity: When we are in spiritual integrity, we can apologize with ease and commit to doing and being better. We do the right thing—not for approval, because it is expected, or a learned habit—but because our direction comes from an inner state of authenticity. We are committed to being the most trusted brand in transformation.

Genesis story directly from the founder

Living Consciouslyy has started more like a movement. A movement for collective, where we all felt this urge to wake up to our authentic reality of who we are, and our ultimate potentials. It came to me more like a calling which wanted to reveal itself as I take an small actions. It is a path where I without consciouslyy knowing put into surrender effortlessly to the process unfolding in front of me.

It was started as a very small reading group with a bunch of 5-6 girls, part of the group we started reading books on emotional health care, human consciousness, work of spiritual teachers, healers, practitioners around the world- a space was created where
we could learn, discuss and reflect on the work of so many wisdom keepers who have so much to share with the world- such important messages, and later with our deep longing to share it with more people, and this took the shape of Circle of Wisdom

Parallelly on an academic front, I was also doing my research with children living in brothel homes, shelter homes, observation homes. What I witnessed during my research was lot of emotional traumas, betrayal, a huge disconnection from the core self. So, we thought if it bothers us this much why don’t we do something. We thought we all have the power we must just realise to make a difference. This hope turns into Wholeness Program which aims at guiding young children and adolescents on identifying exploring self-love, self-care, learning strategies to dela with, and managing difficult emotions, Cultivating mindfulness, self-esteem, and reconnecting to their souls.

When we find ourselves immersed in work that was not part of our plans but feels like destiny, there’s a sense of being guided by an unseen force. It is like a gentle hand pointing us toward the next step, nudging us to form new programs and offering wisdom in subtle ways. Before I knew it, concepts like; Healing Modalities, Emotional Health’s importance were suddenly clear to me, even though I had not consciously sought them out.

I realized I was on a path I had not chosen, yet it felt right, as if I was meant to work on emotional healing in this lifetime. It is a realization that came to me effortlessly, as if it was always there waiting for me to notice.

For those of us who have delved deep into intellectual and academic pursuits, we often find ourselves trapped in rational thinking, disconnected from the emotions and energies that lie beneath. This disconnection isn’t just personal; it is woven into the fabric of our culture, passed down through generations. We are all entangled in a web of shared traumas, making it difficult to fully inhabit our bodies and embrace life on Earth.But within this collective pain lies the opportunity for healing. It’s a journey that calls to me, urging me to delve into the depths of emotional healing, not just for myself but for all of humanity. It’s a shared experience, woven into the very fabric of our existence, and it’s time to mend the wounds that have plagued us for far too long.

Following those hints we started forming different program, all trying to serve the same purpose to create a conscious world where healing is possible where talks on emotional trauma, emotional healthcare, what is happening in the world in an around us, can be fostered. We managed to create a space which facilitates our individual awakening- A community where there is acceptance, where there is a room for self-expression, unconditional self-regard for each other, where a hope to connect with your human and
spiritual self-ignited again in a society that cuts us out of our essence, by idealizing individualism ignoring our emotional needs. We all need a safe space.

There is an intelligence in creation, in nature and in people which if we ignore, we will create suffering for ourselves and others. Our task is to align with that intelligence and connection is really what we are trying to do with this movement “Living Consciouslyy”

Through programs like Monthly Soul Series. We got connected with likeminded people, spiritual teachers, healers around the world which are now we call as our guides. Through this work we are trying to make transformational and empowering healing
tools, spiritual wisdom of the saints to be accessible to everyone. Then so many other programs following divine guidance were formed named Travel within bootcamp, Life Reflections, Deep Dive courses.

Living Consciouslyy is an organisation inspired to ensure emotional healthcare, spiritual and personal growth opportunities for everyone. It is space for those who are walking on the path of heart, and want to expand their consciousness and awareness so as to
connected with the abundance within and outside.

In living consciouslyy community everyone is called as a co-traveller, as we all are collectively walking on our individual journeys.

Note: When I use the word “We”, I am honouring the support I received from beautiful human beings who joined me very shortly on this journey.

Our Guides


















Rebecca Mohlman




Seth Kopald

Arke Muratova