10-Week Shadow Work Program

10-Week Shadow Work Program

It takes training, self-awareness, guidance, and courage to help you face your shadow self in a healthy way. It is designed to help you integrate and accept every single part of yourself so that you can live and thrive with more clarity and authenticity.
You may talk yourself out of your negative emotion, which will work for some time, but it’s zero transformational. Your shadow craves to be seen and will sooner or later wake up again, creating the same difficult experience in your life in a repeating pattern.
The 10-Week Shadow Work Program by Marielle aims to provide you with knowledge, material, and experience so that you can start your own shadow work journey to understand yourself, develop and grow, and take steps towards becoming you authentically.
During the program, you will learn and explore what the shadow is, the spiritual principles that contribute to effectively approaching the shadow, and the shadow work process when working with your emotional triggers.
With preparations made, you will learn key techniques and dive into shadow work with lots of opportunities for practice and integration into your everyday life. This program is designed to make a difference in your life.

As you enroll in the program, you will get:

  • 10 Weekly Group Zoom Classes – each lasting 1.5 hour
  • Weekly Shadow Work Exercises
  • 12 months of access to course materials
  • Plenty of knowledge and material to start your own Shadow Work practice!

When & Where?

Date: 15 January to 12 March 2023
Time: 4 PM to 5:30 PM
Venue: Zoom

In case of any queries and concerns kindly connect with us at +91 9405712845 (Vineet) and +918447662452 (Shalu).