5- Week Workshop Series on Trauma Informed Somatic for Self Regulation

5- Week Workshop Series on Trauma Informed Somatic for Self Regulation

This experiential workshop series will help you dive deeper into the world of somatics so that you can connect to yourself and start listening to your body’s wisdom. You get to understand your nervous system and your body’s automatic responses and you’ll learn how to start befriending them. The aim of this course is to help you discover how intelligent your body is and how you can work with it and not against it to create greater resilience in your life.

Somatics refers to many body-mind modalities that emphasise internal physical perception and experience. This workshop series in particular draws on the basics of Somatic Experiencing, a body-oriented approach to healing trauma developed by Dr Peter Levine. It is informed by the Polyvagal Theory and includes exercises from other somatic modalities.

The topics covered :

  1. Body Awareness – learning the language of sensations
  2. Finding Resources to Cultivate Safety – the most important prerequisite for healing
  3. Exploring and getting to know your boundaries
  4. Be friending our Sympathetic nervous system (mobilisation VS stress response)
  5. 5. Understanding the Parasympathetic nervous system (freeze and collapse VS relaxation response)

About the Resource Person:

Elena Jacinta is a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner with SE International and an SE training assistant based in Chiang Mai, Thailand. Her practice is rooted in over 20 years of working with the body through movement – initially as a dance artist, later as a yoga facilitator, and currently as a trauma-informed somatic practitioner. In her private sessions, she helps people find relief from symptoms of chronic stress and trauma using the wisdom of their bodies.

You can learn more about her work at: backtoyourbody.org

When & Where?

The programme will be delivered in 7 sessions on the following dates:
Saturday 27th January, 2024
Saturday 3rd February , 2024
Saturday 10th February, 2024
Saturday 17th February, 2024
Saturday 24th February, 2024

Time:10 am to 12 pm

Platform : Zoom

In case of any queries and concerns kindly connect with us +919405712845 (Vineet) and +918447662452 (Shalu).