Living Consciouslyy is coming up with 31st Monthly Soul Series Workshop on “An Introduction to Body Activation System for Health and Wellness” by Pamela. The workshop is designed to illustrate a method of healing which uses the physical body to accomplish our health and wellness goals. The technique is based on the understanding that our body and the universe are one. By paying attention to our body in particular areas and specific organs, we are connecting to the loving universe, and even more so to the world directly around us. Our attention as well as intention brings healing along with deepening our connection to ourselves

Body Activation System

About the Resource Person

Pamela has been practicing shamanism, shamanic healing and divinatory for 18 years. She is also an intuitive psycho-spiritual counsellor and the founder of The REAP Healing Method energy medicine. She is a course facilitator and healing arts trainer. She teaches shamanic drum journeying and other basic core shamanism practices along with 3-year private shamanic training for individuals.

Time: 8PM IST
Date: 27th July, 2022
Platform: Zoom