Coloring Circle

Coloring Circle

Welcome to the Coloring Circle, a haven for individuals who share a profound passion for colors and the world of art. Within the confines of this extraordinary space, we invite you to embark on a journey like no other—a journey that revolves around the creation of a vibrant, accepting, and nurturing community.
In the Coloring Circle, judgment and questions fade into the background, giving way to a profound sense of togetherness and belonging. Here, authenticity is celebrated, and your creative expressions are welcomed with open arms, free from the shackles of criticism or scrutiny.
We firmly believe that within this atmosphere of community and acceptance lies the power to not only kindle creativity but also foster personal growth. It is a dream we hold dear, one that promises to draw people closer to the transformative beauty and expressive potential of art.

Join us in this incredible adventure, where the canvas is boundless, and the possibilities are endless.

About the Facilitator:

Hi, I am Hetal Jobenputra, and I am deeply passionate about issues related to gender and sexuality. My journey in the social sector has been an eye-opener, making me realize the crucial role of mental health in sustaining this work. To find my own balance and peace, I turn to activities like coloring, immersing myself in music, experiencing the joy of InterPlay, and capturing the beauty of nature through photography and being in with nature as well as my family of friends. These elements have been instrumental in shaping me into the person I am today

Note for Energy Exchange:

 Co-travelers can contribute any amount at their convenience to
support the Living Consciously Foundation’s vision

When & Where?

Date: Starting from 18th October, 2023

Time: Every Wednesday at 8 PM

Venue: Zoom

In case of any queries and concerns kindly connect with us +91 9405712845 (Vineet) and +918447662452 (Shalu).