Circle Of Wisdom


The “Circle of Wisdom” reading community has been created to learn, and evolve together through the power of reading. An English writer, Dorothy Whipple once wrote: “Books are light-houses erected in the great sea of time.” More than a neural exercise that boosts memory and functioning of the brain, the reading helps us to gain an insight into realities we couldn’t otherwise live by self, opens up our creative thinking capabilities, and activates our empathy sensors. There is no lie in saying that reading makes us more aware and sensitive to people’s plights, cultures, and customs, and more forgiving and nurturing where once we have been more condescending.

Through The Circle Of Wisdom

we are aiming to develop and understand ways to reach our spiritual core and authentic self by discovering and learning about the work of various authors across the globe. Also, to,

  • Stimulate our imagination and creativity.
  • Contributing towards our spiritual and personal growth. 
  • Bettering our communication and self-expression. 
  • Building relationships and learning with people from diverse cultures and backgrounds. 
  • Developing systematic reading habits.

Who Can Join the Group?

Even if you are a starter or a voracious reader, people of all age groups irrespective of religion, caste, gender and nationality are encouraged to join the group. You just have to be a human with a sincere desire to read and understand. 

To be more specific, 

Those who are lovers of life and books and want to sail the boat of wisdom with strong commitment. 

Those who are ready to invest some time everyday for self-growth and self- exploration. 

Those who have an open mind to explore perspectives/ideas beyond one’s current understanding. 

Programme Design

For each reading, a book is selected based on the interest and consensus of all the readers 

For 21 days, everyday you will be encouraged to read for 30 to 90 minutes based on your convenience 

On 22nd day, an online discussion will be hosted wherein all the members will be sharing their reflections, learnings and takeaways from the book.

 A consolidated summary or notes on the key concepts of the book will be shared with all the members.

Idea Behind 21 Days

The goal of the 21-day daily book reading is to help us form a habit of daily reading and to broaden our horizons of knowledge and also to continue the cycle of learning and reading while relaxing our mind from the digital world. 

The 21 days book reading aims to inculcate in us the habit of reaching for a book instead of smartphones.  To complete the book in 21 days, everyday every member has to invest to read for 30 to 90 minutes each day.