Deep Immersion Expressive Art Therapy Workshop

Deep Immersion Expressive Art Therapy Workshop

Expressive art therapy offers a safe container to support our emotional, psychological and mental health & well-being. This pre-verbal way of making sense of our lived experience is as old as humankind. In this approach, we use our natural ways of knowing like making, moving, sounding, imagining, writing and playing.
The underlying belief in this framework is that all of us have within us the wisdom and healing potential waiting to be awakened by integrating mind, body, heart and spirit through creativity, expression and imagination. The integrative approaches are useful for all mental health & well-being contexts sought to resolve, process and hold whatever needs our attention.
The upcoming 10 Hours Workshop is a yearly offering that invites us to consider new ways of relating to ourselves and each other. During our time together we will tap into the imagination, motor impulses, feelings, and meaning making processes in great depth. We will learn that growth & change is possible through self-discovery, creative expression, witnessing and trusting the process. During the program we will explore our inner world leveraging these art modalities to facilitate growth and healing. The program will help us to befriend creativity and encounter the barriers that come in the way of our authenticity.

Who this Program is for?

You are not required to have any artistic ability to utilize expressive art therapy in your life.  Anyone:

  • Who is curious to explore new ways of relating to the self
  • Who is looking for connection and nourishment in a group process
  • Above 22 years of age irrespective of their gender, sexual orientation
  • Ready to commit to attending both the sessions.

Program will focus on as the topics/ themes:

  • The ordinary and extraordinary aspects of our life
  • Being curious about emotions, body sensations & impulses.
  • What comes in the way of shining in the world.Relating to self and others


  • Participants are expected to keep a range of art material accessible for the workshop
  • The participants are expected to keep their video turned on during the entire duration
  • The themes suggested here are indicative and there may be changes made based
    on the needs of the groups.
  • Participants who miss one sessions will not be included in the following session to keep the space safe & contained.

About the Facilitator

Jaya Narayan, is a Somatically oriented, Neuroscience affirming and Culturally attuned, Melbourne (Narrm) based therapist. She practices through attentive presence, integrity and genuine care. She perceive her role as a therapist to be a sacred offering of dignity and compassion. Her practice supports those who feel fragmented or distanced from themselves.
Her focus is on centering our body and heeding its wise voice. Her work with people is experiential, where we foster other than linguistic (language) ways of knowing, being and living in the world. She integrate trauma-informed principles from Expressive-Creative Art(s) therapy, Psychodrama and Body-led modalitie

When & Where?

Date: 26th November and 3rd December 2023

Time: 10:00 to 03:00 Pm
(There will be space for tea and lunch break in between the

Venue: Zoom

In case of any queries and concerns kindly connect with us +91 9405712845 (Vineet) and +918447662452 (Shalu).