SantVani Festival

SantVani Festival (A Celebration of Timeless Wisdom and Great Saints)

What is SantVani Festival?
The SantVani Festival is not just an event; it’s an immersive journey where the rich tapestry of spirituality, music, and storytelling unite to awaken the soul. This unique festival bridges the past and present, breathing life into the profound wisdom and philosophy of revered Saints.

Our Guides:
Prepare to be guided on this heart-centered odyssey by a stellar lineup of luminaries. Join Padma Shri Prahlad Singh Tipanya Ji, the soul-stirring Vipul Rikhi, the profound sufi and the insightful author Hasnain Waris as they lead us towards love, connection, and supreme consciousness.

The SantVani Festival is more than an event; it’s a quest for personal transformation and self-realization. It’s an opportunity to delve into the timeless teachings of great Saints and uncover the profound wisdom they left behind.

What Awaits You:

  • Folk Music Reverie (Morning and Night Satsang): Immerse yourself in the melodies inspired by the teachings of Saints like Kabir, Meera, Rabia, and Bulleh Shah.
  • Captivating Storytelling (Dastangoi): Journey through the lives and wisdom of these spiritual luminaries through compelling narratives.
  • Evening Sangat: Awaken your consciousness through evening reflections on transformative tools such as Love, Ego, and Truth, while forging a connection with the Supreme Consciousness.
  • Shabdshala: Learn the art of singing the sacred verses of Saints, allowing their words to resonate deep within your soul.
  • Enlightening Documentaries: Gain insight into the lives of various Saints through captivating documentary screenings.

You are requested to go through the detailed brochure for more details and insights about SantVani Festival.

When & Where?

Date: 25 November to 27 November 2023

Venue: Bodhigram, Dehradun

In case of any queries and concerns kindly connect with us +91 9405712845 (Vineet) and +918447662452 (Shalu).