Somatic Exercise Movement Series

Somatic Exercise Movement Series

“Somatic Exercises can change how we live our lives, how we believe that our minds and bodies interrelate, how powerful we think we are in controlling our lives, and how responsible we should be in taking care of our total being.” — Thomas Hanna.
Somatic Exercise Movements are gentle, safe and dramatically effective way of eliminating pain and increasing movement and flexibility. They are an inexpensive way to begin to learn to take back control of your muscles so you can get rid of your pain – for yourself. By learning to self-monitor, by understanding what muscles do and feel like when they move, you can self-correct. This has been proved time and again by class members, and people who have done 1:1 session get themselves out of pulled muscles, aching backs whilst gardening – then going on to finish the job, or the day…. whilst giving energy, or the ability to move more freely for others.
The 7 Week Somatic Exercise Movement Workshop Series helps you to gain a deeper understanding of why and how our bodies get stuck in recurring issues through repetitive actions, poor postural habits, and the impact they have on our muscles, movement and our freedom to move well and with ease, and how it isn’t an aging issue or something you just have to put up with! The 7 Week Workshop Series helps you to make a link between how our physical bodies – our muscles, react to our mental~emotional state in such a subconscious way that we don’t realise it is happening, how often – or how much we are really carrying – not only in our nervous system, our subconscious but muscles and posture too. How they all impact on each other, affect our energy levels and how we-they can easily get stuck in a vicious circle.

We are coming up with Batch II of Somatic Exercise Movement Workshop Series in December.
Stay tuned for more updates in future!